Paul Harris: Life Coach Woking, Surrey
Team Coaching
paul harris coaching mindset excellence beating imposter syndrome and anxiety

Finding the Formula for Your Team

A one day on site course to empower your team to combine their individual skills to become a powerful unit.

Session One

The first half of the day is to help the individuals explore their own requirements and understand how to add value to themselves and their contribution to the team.

  1. The GROW Model is a tool used to help set effective targets. It consists of five steps:
    1. Generate a list of target goals.
    2. Prioritise the goals based on importance and likelihood of achieving them.
    3. Block out any goals that aren't important or not likely to be achieved.
    4. Select the top few goals that'll drive the organisation forward.
    5. Work on those few goals until they are achieved.

  2. What are SMART Goals? The acronym "SMART" stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. The goal should be specific and measurable, with a timeframe for when it can be achieved. The goal should be achievable and relevant, with a clear path to achieving it. The goal should be timely, with a date by which it can be achieved.

  3. DISC is a well-known personality assessment tool that uses a four-factor model to measure personality. In addition to the four main personality traits, it also provides a classification of other team members based on their personality. This can be useful information for team building, as it can help you understand the other person's preferences and how to best work with them.

  4. Limiting Beliefs – In all teams, there are a variety of beliefs regarding personal, team, and company abilities. This session is designed as an open discussion to allow the individuals to listen to their peers and understand how what they say can affect their own performance.

    Session Two

    The second half of the day is to discover how important communication is within a team.

    • The group will be split into teams and given a practical task to complete. This will take the form of creating a concept, simple design, materials requirements and prototyping.

    • At each stage, the teams will be asked to appoint a single spokesman to communicate with the 'customer' and be the single point of contact.

    • At the completion of protoyping, the teams will be asked to demonstrate their working design to the main group.

    • The prototype will be accepted or returned for futher work by the 'customer'.

    • The final aspect of the session will be a twist, which is designed to test the teams' communications abilities and help them to understand how effectively they worked together.

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